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Today I’m introducing my two cats, Sara and Sammy. I’m partnering with Fresh Step and love having the opportunity to share their very unique personalities and quirks. Sara is a Calico and Sammy is a long-haired Maine Coon. They are rescue kitties and have been with me for about 13 years. Both keep me company most of the day while I work and then sleep with me at night.
Sammy, like many Maine Coons, has many dog-like traits. She loves to play fetch with her jacks. She’ll bring one over carrying it in her mouth and drop it in front of you for you to toss. She’ll go fetch it and bring it back again. She has a toy basket full of her toys and will grab a jack out of the basket when she wants to play.
She’s also very chatty. Talk to her and she’ll meow back and you can continue this conversation for awhile. She loves to talk to the birds outside (through the window). She’s also obsessed with talking on the phone. Anytime I’m talking on the phone she has to come over and join the conversation. She will put her head up to the phone and meow or purr. Sometimes I won’t have seen her for a few hours, but as soon as I’m on the phone, she’s right there. If I’m taking a business call, I often have to go into a room with the door shut so that whoever I’m talking to doesn’t hear my cat trying to take over the conversation.
She loves boxes – if there is a box, she’ll jump in it. And loves to sleep on anything small (and often not what would seem to be comfortable). A tote bag, a magazine and funniest to me is I had a wreath sitting on our ottoman (was switching out the holiday decor) and she curled up in the middle. We do have a few cat beds but she rarely sleeps in those.
Sara is a sweet, caring and comforting. She also curls up sleeping touching me or on me. If I’m upset, she’s always there. When I was pregnant, she was a protector and when my son was born she kept an eye on him (but at a distance as she wasn’t sure about all the noise he made). When returning home, she’s always waiting at the door to greet us.
When she was younger, we had the funniest ‘pet trick’ that we discovered one day by accident. If you put an empty tissue box on the floor, she would stick her head in it and it would get stuck. Then she would walk around with the tissue box on her head not knowing how to remove. After a few laughs we would always remove it for her but the next time there was a box, she would do it again. Curious kitties.
Both of my cats are rescue kitties and I’m a fan of the local Arizona Humane Society. As part of my collaboration with Fresh Step I had the opportunity to donate money towards a pet charity and my choice is the Arizona Humane Society. The Arizona Humane Society rescues, heals, and adopts pets in Arizona. They are also an advocate for animals.
I love a good DIY project especially when I’m putting to use something I had around the house and wasn’t using (and probably should have been tossed instead of cluttering up my home). I’ve been working on organizing and redecorating my laundry room which besides being used for laundry, is the room we use for their food and litter box. Sammy eats dry food and Sara eats canned wet food. Sammy prefers fresh dry food and if it dries out, she won’t eat it anymore so a well-sealed container is essential. I had an old popcorn tin that I thought would be perfect for a cat food storage container. All cat supplies are stored in my laundry room which is decorated in yellow, bright blue and white. The can was red. But often those popcorn tins are decorated with themed photos or holiday photos – even more reason to DIY and put to use.
DIY Cat Food Storage Container
materials needed
popcorn tin
spray paint (for metal with primer)
vinyl cutter (Silhouette Cameo), vinyl and transfer tape
Step 1: Wash container really well. My container still had greasy remains of popcorn
Step 2: Spray paint. Use light even coats for best coverage and avoid dripping. I chose a bright blue to go with my laundry room decor.
Step 3: Design and cut vinyl. I found a paw print online and traced with my Silhouette software.
Step 4: Remove excess vinyl and apply transfer tape. Align on tin and apply. Remove transfer tape.
Having two cats also means litters boxes and kitty litter.
I like to buy the litter in bulk so on a recent trip to Sam’s Club I picked up Fresh Step Total Control with the Power of Febreze. It’s only available at Sam’s Club and during the month of May, there’s a $3.50 discount in the May Instant Savings Book. The litter has the odor controlling power of Febreze and borate technology for superior odor control.
Do you have cats? What gives them a quirky but lovable personality?
I do not have a cat but my mom did just get one this weekend. His name is Greyson and he is a Blue Russian and very pretty! #client
We have some rescued. Some abandoned who adopted us. Some are long-haired Maine Coon. Others a wide variety. The Maine Coon do like to talk and one of them likes to take a shower with us. Your container is cute but not big enough for our herd. We go through about 30 pounds of dry food a week. It’s a good thing we live in the country!
I also have two rescue babies. Marcus is a black domestic who showed up on our doorstep soaking wet on Halloween night four years ago. He was so tiny he curled up in my palms. Today, he is a healthy eighteen pounder who is potty trained like a dog. Curry is a female calico we rescued from a friends barn where she had hidden to have kittens. She was looked horrible suffering malnutrition and worms. After a trip to the vet, she came home weighing five pounds. A year later she has doubled her size and a family favorite because she watches basketball with my sons. I can’t imagine life without them. I have lupus which they both are sensitive to my pain and swelling. They snuggle near the joint, warming it with their body heat and soothing me with their comforting purrs. It’s a therapy only they can provide. Rescuing them has truly rescued me.
I have 2 rescues, one from a rescue center and the other a stray who adopted us. Both are at least Maine Coon big cats. Missy and Stranger are spoiled rotten, don’t know what I would do without them. Missy was my lifeline after losing my husband suddenly and Stranger is just a love bug for being an abandoned cat. Nothing like cat therapy, have to love it.