Cancelling our landline has been a great money saver. No reason to pay for something we don’t use or need. Every member of our household has cell phone. Some people argue it doesn’t cost them much because its part of a bundle – well we don’t have cable either.
A landline is useful if you live in a rural area or a high rise building with not very good cell service. However, we live in a city of Phoenix, and service is excellent.
A landline is useful if you live in an area with natural disasters or are prone to losing electricity. In the 9 years we’ve lived in our house, the electricity has gone out two times, each for less than 30 minutes.
Many people have home security systems that run on their phone line. Ours works with a wireless service. We also chose this route because we the cool features of being able to control our system from our phones with an app – its so great to be able to turn off the alarm if you need let someone in your house or forgot to alarm it when leaving.
Because I am a business owner, I need to send and receive faxes and fax machines traditionally run over phone lines. I use a online service called My Fax. I prefer it over using a fax machine, because all the documents are automatically sent as an electronic file and I don’t have to be home to view them – all the faxes comes to my email address.
A landline is useful if you have small kids so they can use the phone in case of emergency. My son is 9 and has his own cell phone. Also all babysitters and grandparents who many be watching our son, also have cell phones. Even when he was younger I wasn’t very concern as we live in a community where the homes are very close together.
A lot of people I’ve talked to are concerned about 911. From what I’ve read if you live in a major city with excellent service, they can locate you without a delay. We also have a security system with buttons for fire, ambulance or police and the security company, which has our address, can dispatch if we use these the buttons.
Do you still have a landline? What holds you back from going 100% to your cell phone.
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