Be prepared ahead of time so you’re not trying to find things or running to the store when you’re sick. Make sure you know where everything is stored – this is the perfect time to declutter and organize your medicine cabinet. Check expiration dates. Check thermometer batteries and make sure you have spares. Make sure electronics work.
10 Ways to Prepare for the Cold and Flu Season
ONE – Be the healthiest you can be so that your body can work as it should fight off colds and flu. Keep up your annual physical exams. Get enough sleep. Eat healthy. Exercise. Don’t smoke. Stay hydrated. Take doctor recommended medicines for health conditions and follow treatment plans.
TWO – Reduce germ transmission. Wash your hands frequently. Use hand sanitizer. Sanitize frequently touched surfaces. Wear a mask. Keep your hands away from your face. Help others by staying home if you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms (or have been recently exposed). During the height of cold and flu season, stay away from crowded places.
Read about our DIY Home Mask and Sanitizing Station here
THREE – Get your Flu shot (plus Covid 19 vaccine as it becomes available).
FOUR – Make sure your home is stocked for cold and flu medicines. Go through your medicine cabinet and check expiration dates. Toss everything that is expired. Check what you’re missing too. Make a shopping list and stock up. The good thing with grocery delivery is that you can have it delivered to your home if you do get sick and realize you’re out. However, as we learned this past year, stores can run out of certain necessary medicines and delivery availability can book up. Here are a few that I recommend:
- fever and pain reducer
- cough drops (menthol)
- sore throat lozenges
- nighttime cold medicine (Nyquil or TheraFlu)
- cough suppressant
- cough expectorant (Mucinex)
- saline mist
- medicated chest rub
- petroleum jelly (to rub on sore noses that are raw from using tissues)
FIVE – Vitamin and herbal supplements for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. I have a few supplements I take for prevention (vitamin D, C, melatonin) and a few that I take once sick (elderberry, zinc, and additional vitamin C). Always check with your doctor and do your research to decide what’s best for you.
SIX – Soothing Lotion Tissues. One of the best things ever to prevent your nose from getting raw from cold or flu.
SEVEN – easy to prepare comfort food. Foods such as canned soups, ramen noodles, a few frozen meals, precooked pasta. Also, soothing foods like Saltines, tea, honey, Sprite, Jello, bread for toast are good to stock. It’s good to know which delivery apps to your home for groceries and restaurants.
EIGHT – Sports Drinks are always good to have on hand if you become dehydrated from cold or flu. The electrolytes and a bit of sugar will help you to feel better and give you a bit of energy. We’re big fans of Body Armor drinks.
NINE – Thermometer. Do you know where it is? Do the batteries work? You may want to order an updated no-contact forehead thermometer – these are much easier to check temperature especially when the sick person is sleeping and you don’t want to disturb them.
TEN – Always good to have a Cool Mist Humidifier in the house to help with congestion for a sick family member. Check to make sure it works and see if the filter needs to be replaced.
Stay cozy and comfortable
A few ‘nice to haves’ when you’re sick. You want to feel cozy and you may be bored from laying in bed for days (but not feel like doing much either)
Cozy blanket
Flannel pajamas
Heated blanket
light reading – romance novels, fashion magazines, gossip magazines
Deck of Cards (or simple game apps on your phone or tablet)
Essential oils (Tea tree, Rosemary, Mint, Peppermint)
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