As a mom we’re busy. Kids to get off to school or baseball practice. House to take care of. Then there’s work. Trying to balance it all, we often forget to take care of ourselves. BUT taking care of ourselves is so important.
You deserve to be happy. You deserve self-love. Not only is this important for your well being but it will help you to be a better mother. It will help you with your relationships. It will help you to thrive in your career.
Why self-care is important?
- Good for your physical and mental health
- Improve your relationships
- It will energize you
- It will help you to focus better
Don’t let yourself think you’re being inconsiderate or selfish. And don’t let anyone tell you this. You are important.
While going away to a resort by the beach of a full day of spa treatments are something we all dream about there are lots of things you can do for yourself that are inexpensive and don’t take as much time. This can make it easier to fit self-care into our busy lives. Find a time when the kids are busy elsewhere and turn off your phone. This is your time. Learn to enjoy and love spending time with yourself.
I’ve put together a list of 10 things you can do to spoil yourself for under $10
10 Things You Can Do To Treat Yourself on a Budget
- Buy a bath bomb and enjoy a luxurious bath
- Pick up a few magazines, lounge in your backyard with a refreshing drink, and catch up on the latest fashions or celebrity gossip.
- Go to a local coffee shop and order your favorite drink. Take your time slowly sipping your drink.
- Buy yourself flowers. I try to pick up flowers weekly from Trader Joes where I can easily find flowers for under $5.
- Buy nail polish in a fun color and paint your toes
- Go see a matinee movie
- Order a drink and appetizer during happy hour. Sit at the bar and chat with the bartender and patrons sitting at the bar.
- Subscribe to Ipsy. OK, so technically this is $10. Ipsy is a monthly beauty product subscription service. Each month you get 5 samples in a cute pouch. It’s always such a treat when mine arrives in the mail. I love surprises. And its fun to play with the new products.
- Purchase a new candle. Something about candles I find so soothing. The scent. But also just watching that flame flicker.
- Go shopping a buy an inexpensive accessory. One of my favorite things is to go to Charming Charlie and buy a new bracelet or necklace. I take my time to browse to find the right piece. The jewelry is very inexpensive so I like to buy something that might be a bit more trendy or daring.